4 Major Ways To Handle Multitasking And Get Things Done Quickly

How can I handle multitasking Quickly?

Multitasking is pretty much seen as a necessity in the modern world. The ability to do several things at once –. Even if it’s something as apparently simple as emailing and talking at the same time – is taken for granted. But the belief that engaging in several tasks at once means we are more productive is, in fact, a myth.

What most people refer to as multitasking, is really switch tasking. No matter how they do it, switching rapidly between two things is just not very efficient or effective and time consuming.

Not only is it time-consuming, it can adversely affect one’s mental ability.
However, there are so many ways to set things apart, it is very possible that, one can handle diverse activities. And also get things done with an amazing result in no time.

Here’s the solution;

1. Make a Plan.

Another step of effective multitasking is having a plan or setting goals and sticking to it. You can jot down a step-by-step plan to help you attain the maximum results of your efforts. Certainly ome can’t “just wing it”.  Hoping that those goals will be reached and the  tasks will be completed to the best of one’s abilities and with optimal focus.

Multitasking isn’t effortless.  it takes an intricate, brief and well-thought-out planning to ensure nothing falls through the cracks. A great place to start is with a to-do list. Give yourself a period of time to perform these tasks, and don’t overload yourself with too many at a time.

Two or three tasks in a two to three hour time slot can ensure that you’re giving yourself enough time to work on each task and give it the attention it deserves.

2. Eliminate Distractions.

Distractions are  our enemy. Distractions can be detrimental even when  working on the simplest of tasks. so, when trying to juggle multiple projects at once, they could spell disaster. This might mean keeping the door to your office closed while work going on in the office around you.

If you don’t have an office, it might mean booking a conference room for a few hours to keep you away from distractions. Probably like gossiping coworkers, colleague phone calls, and the smell of someone’s pizza being reheated in the kitchen.

Turn off the cell phone. Move into a quiet area. Maybe you want to listen to music to increase focus. Whatever your technique, dedicate yourself to these tasks and these tasks alone.

3. Become a task opportunist.

First, they suggest sorting your to-dos into three “buckets” (small, medium and large) based on how long each will take to complete. Once you know this, you can then optimize your day to achieve maximum productivity. Additionally, sort out the time for a specific assignment or work to perform.

The small bucket (full of tasks that take 15 minutes or fewer, such as replying to emails, texts or calls, on an average level) can be completed quickly in brief windows of activity.
The medium bucket (containing tasks that require some focus and concentration but are still relatively contained) can be tackled when a meeting suddenly gets cancelled or your flight is delayed.

The large bucket (which involves tasks requiring a significant amount of focus, e.g. writing a strategy document or analyzing data) require you make time in your schedule – blocking out time to complete them. Handling small and medium tasks in short bursts allows for even more focus on the large items, which are typically the most important.


4. Create boundaries.


Boundaries are key when one is  trying to be more focused. It helps us keep away unimportant relations and would rather leave the major ones. Creating the expectation that when we’re focused on one thing, we’re not going to get off track in pursuit of another thing immediately.

Start saying ‘no’ to timesucks and irrelivants stuffs. Establish finish times to your tasks and to your working day as a whole. Protect your power hour and don’t let anything or anyone encroach on it.Start to treat your focused time as something important and valuable, and ask other people to do the same.

Bottom line,

Be very consistent with the afformentioned as this is a major ingredient in handling multitasks. In time, you will see your efforts pay off greatly.

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