Literally, attracting people to yourself is a way of expressing the inner you. It’s really not bad to want to associate with people, get to know them and build a bond with them.
Making friends comes naturally to people most of the time, but it’s not always easy.
Yet sometimes, we may have people in our lives we truly appreciate, adore or would love to be like. Because they exude this inexplicable magnetism that almost everyone would try their all to reach them.
However, we have discovered how best to leave your memories lingering in their head. And also, how to keep drawing them back to you!.
The first step is making your unique features known and be committed to adding a bit of some efforts on;
gestures, facial expression, intonation, style of communication, or an item of clothing can make you memorable.
Here are the 6 ways of attracting people to yourself;
1. Use the mirror effect.
The mirror effect, or simply mirroring. Its an easy way to make someone like you by repeating their facial expressions, intonations, and gestures. It always works because the method is based on the nature of human narcissism. An interlocutor unwittingly begins to feel that you’re in sync with them.
You can adopt the famous people with the “stylish features” or “charisma” to feel more confident.
2. Be real, be down to earth.
Though it hasn’t been psychologically proven, but research has it that people love to stick with who are humble. Unlike the haughty ones, people tend to respect and pay more attention to the one who is down to earth.
Being down to Earth is extremely important if you want to be more attractive to people around you and to yourself. Be real, you would be thrilled by how much people will automatically love you for who you are!.
3. Compliment others.
People will associate the adjectives you use to describe other people with your personality. This phenomenon is called “spontaneous trait transference”. If you describe someone else as genuine and kind, people will also associate you with those qualities.
The reverse is also true: If you are constantly trashing people behind their backs, people will start to associate the negative qualities with you too.
4. Have Big Goals.
Everyone wants to be with someone who has a larger -than- life dreams and truly works to fulfil them. The first step in achieving is dreaming. Try focusing on accomplishing what they already know you’re working towards, and see them holding on.
People who don’t bury their thoughts no matter how impossible they seem to be achieved are ten times more admirable.
5. Exude positive vibes.
Have you ever noticed people don’t want to be around someone who stays moody at all times?. Yes! They don’t!. To attract people to yourself the more, try to always carry yourself with grace and loftiness.
Smile almost every time, (not irrationally though). If possible, say things that would rather make people feel more comfortable and happy. Who wouldn’t love to have anyone like that around them?.
6. Use Of Body Gestures.
This is quite key and important. Not making eye contact while speaking is one of the most unattractive things ever. Make simple gestures, like wagging your hands. Or perhaps fixing your eyes on theirs. You could as well add the person’s name while trying to converse with such.
For instance, “would you love to come over to my house tomorrow Tina?”. It gives a reassuring signal that you’re deeply focused on that person. And that you’re fully aware their there.
90% of a person’s first impression is based on their body language. Be it in parties of formal interview sessions. Your body language can make or break the game. It plays a huge part in shaping your personality.
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