Basic Habits Most People Find Condescending.

To find the easiest terms for “condescending” let’s put it simply__. Showing a feeling of patronizing superiority; showing that you consider yourself better or more intelligent than others.

There are all kinds of people who are unpleasant to be around—debbie downers, complainers, jealous, mean-spirited beings e.t.c.

However, People act patronizing for different reasons. But usually it boils down to insecurity and/or arrogance. Yes, you can definitely be arrogant and insecure at the same time.

But, if you walk away from another person feeling worse about yourself, there’s a good chance you’ve been condescended to.

So when people feel like someone is talking down to them, it usually has as much to do with what they say/ how they say it.

Still, if you’ve been told you have a condescending streak, here are some eye-roll-worthy behaviors to discover/discontinue.

1. Not apologizing.

They don’t apologize properly, instead of using words like, ‘I’m sorry you feel that way,’ or outright denying that it was their intention to insult you and, therefore, not apologizing at all.

2. Interrupting to correct people’s pronunciation.

Though it might not appear as if it’s an action based on condescending, it might be. If someone is in the middle of a thought, you should definitely not interrupt to correct their pronunciation. Not only will you embarrass the person speaking, but everyone else listening will think you’re a know-it-all jerk for putting someone on the spot in an unnecessary, uncomfortable way.

3. Using offensive so called “nicknnames”.

They call you pet names like ‘honey’ or ‘sweetie’, the only purpose of which is to patronize and make others feel small and inferior. These nicknames tend to be highly gendered and exclude other sexes. This is particularly true for people in positions of authority. whether it’s a server at a restaurant or your housekeeper—nicknames are especially risky. Those odds aren’t probably worth going up against. You can just learn people’s actual names.

4. They dismiss you during a conversation.

Maybe you said something they don’t agree with, and that made them upset. A condescending person will probably roll their eyes or scoff at you. They might even turn their back or walk away from you quickly, too. This condescending body language can make you feel pretty terrible, and it might make you feel like they don’t respect you.

5. They explain things you already know.

Take for instance, yu’re chatting with a coworker, and they start explaining something to you that you learned on your first day of the job. You’re taken aback—this coworker has only worked here for a few months, whereas you’ve been at your job for years now. This condescending behavior can make you feel like the person doesn’t take you seriously or assumes you’re not as smart as they are.

6. Saying “Take it easy”.

For women in particular, being told to “Take it easy” is peak patronizing. Adjacent, equally aggravating directives include “Chill out,” “Calm down,” and “Relax!” No matter who you’re speaking to, when you tell someone to “Take it easy,” you’re suggesting that their excitement, concern or general response to something is either excessive or invalid. People are entitled to their feelings, and their reactions.

7. Name-dropping.

This is an ancient and highly transparent method for communicating superiority. it’s okay to know a celebrity and be friends with them. However, The issue is when you go to the trouble to name drop, but then act it’s no big deal. Which suggests that you consider these people important enough to mention, but also consider yourself among their peers. Others are likely to find this behavior condescending and a bit pathetic.

How to deal with a Condescending person;

1. Ask for clarification.
2. Try not to be defensive.
3. Be honest.
4. Be assertive.
5. Smile and walk away.

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