FUOTUOKE revised academic calendar for 2022/2023/2024 session

FUOTUOKE revised academic calendar for 2022/2023/2024 session, FUOTUOKE

The revised academic calendar of the Federal University Otuoke (FUOTUOKE) for the 2022/2023 academic session has been made available. Attached to this message is the newly updated calendar for the second semester.


  1. 4/05/24: Arrival of students
  2. 6/05/24: Commencement of Lectures for students
  3. 30/06/24: Special Senate for Results Consideration
  4. 3-7/06/24: Students Week
  5. 5/07/24:     End of Second Semester Lectures
  6. 8-12/7/24: Revision
  7. 15/7/24: Commencement of Examination
  8. 9/8/24: End of Second Semester Examinations
  9. 5/9/24 : Special Senate for Results Consideration


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All Students are advised to resume in accordance to the Calendar as Lectures are set to begin Immediately.

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