Creativity – the ability to create. It’s not something that can’t be cultivated or learned despite that sometimes, it’s naturally embedded in people.
Creativity comes from within, from the “constant use” of “talents”. Given that, the ability or skill in you can also be found in another individual (as everyone is creative in their own way), but your fecundity helps you build something much more unique and totally different.
What to take note of is that, no one is void if this, as we Humans are pretty much wired to create. The only thing that differentiate this is how much you have explored this ability in you and how productive you have been with it.
Being creative isn’t something you go looking for about (though you can gain more knowledge on how to be creative) but the reality is that it’s in you. You probably might not have discovered what it really is, but it’s definite embedded right in you.
Right from your choice of food, colours, clothes, settings, vibes, likes and so on. It appears most in what intrigues you the most.
However, in order to enhance your creativity, you must have known what you are able to create, what you focus your attention, hunger and dedication to.
Creativity is about “drive”, “passion” and “curiosity”, when you have these you’re sure to be more creative.
In a contextual sense, you must develop a mindset that’s quite curious and passionate about wanting to enhance that stuff you’re good at. It allows you to do the same thing over and over with a different and unique method and still come out amazing with it, or perhaps being able to be quite versatile in all aspect.
Have you found out exactly what inspires you to create? Now look at this from the view, it’s simple- increase your focus on what inspires you, the more you do the more developed your skills would be
Ways you could boost your creativity;
1. Do what you love.
When you actually love your job, you are naturally going to be more inspired and enthusiastic about creative problem solving and coming up with new ideas. A task that you keep putting off is going to be very difficult to approach with a positive, creative attitude.
Find a hobby that lets you be creative that you love to do, such as playing an instrument, painting, or even a sport that completely places you in the present.
Surround Yourself With Inspiration
Positive psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi suggests that surroundings also play a role in the creative process. Stimulating environments can facilitate creativity, so surrounding yourself with things that you find inspiring and motivating can help.
In a letter to his son, Albert Einstein provided a great bit of fatherly insight when addressing his son’s interest in playing the piano that is applicable to losing yourself in the creative process: do something that pleases you.
“That is the way to learn the most, that when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don’t notice that the time passes,” Einstein wrote.
“I am sometimes so wrapped up in my work that I forget about the noon meal.”Love and creativity are intertwined. A hobby, such as playing an instrument, running, or collecting memorabilia, can help you relax and fight stress while giving your creativity a boost.
Create an office space that helps you feel inspired and energized. Seek out stimulating experiences and settings that can help trigger inventiveness.
2. Daydream.
In today’s high-tech, connected world, distraction is just a click away.
Instead of filling every single idle moment with apps, games, email, website visits, try letting yourself actually be bored for a spell.
The greatest paradox is that creative thinking is not necessarily the product of IQ or enlightenment via the proverbial apple falling on your head. It is a matter of regularly training your imagination, practicing your powers of observation and dreaming, big or small.
It sounds so simple, and yet in this era of information overload and highly charged urban life, this important element is often missing from our everyday lives.
In one study, bored participants performed better on creativity tests than those who were elated, relaxed or distressed. In another study, researchers found that boredom gives people time to daydream, which then leads to greater creativity.
All too often we stay focused on the main task at hand, devoting our mental powers to routine actions (including Twitter and SMS – well, I am sometimes guilty of this too), so that at the end of the day the most creative idea we can come up with is just to finally take a break in front of the TV or computer screen. Sound familiar?
Boredom encourages creative thinking because it sends a signal that the current situation or environment is lacking, and looking for new ideas and inspiration helps overcome that.
Whatever you’re doing – whether it’s work or leisure – practice spending time applying the “three ifs” formula to anything you see or imagine. This will help you get into the habit of making space in your mind for dreaming – essential for creative thinking and innovation.
3. Keep learning.
A creative mind is a curious mind, so make an effort to keep learning new skills and indulging your natural curiosity to find out more about the world and everything in it.
Once you’ve developed some creative skills, it’s important to keep on challenging yourself and acquiring new knowledge to inspire you and help you grow. Whether you simply make an effort to read more in your spare time, or look into taking more actual courses, constant learning is vital to boost your creativity.
4. Reward Your Curiosity.
One common roadblock to developing creativity is the sense that curiosity is an indulgence. Rather than reprimanding yourself, reward yourself when you are curious about something. Give yourself the opportunity to explore new topics.
While rewarding yourself is important, it is also important to develop intrinsic motivation. Sometimes, the true reward of creativity is the process itself, not the product. The more material you store in your head, the better creative connections you can make in your life.
Take some time every day to be creative. Creativity is not simply innate; it is something that you learn and train every day.
No novelist, painter, filmmaker, or musician ever made a career by simply sitting down and letting the ideas flow. They worked at them, learning their craft and coming up with creative ideas every day. Creative ideas only come during creative work – so get working!.
At first, set aside 20 minutes each day to work on your craft. You can build up to a larger time commitment as you hone your skills.
Even if you don’t want to work in a creative field, practicing a creative art (painting, music, etc.) every day can help increase your creativity in everyday life.
5. Get enough rest, food, and water.
If you’re tired, there’s little point in trying to squeeze out something creative from your head; radical ideas may be less likely to pop into your head when you’re drained. Take a nap or a tea break to recharge. You can think better when your mind is fresh, and you should be able to come up with creative ideas more easily.
Your brain cells need the right amount of glucose to work well. Typically, the ideal amount is about 25 grams. Too little can result in confused thinking, while too much can damage your brain cells. Try snacking on a banana, which has about the right of glucose in it, or eat high fiber carbohydrates that supply glucose more steadily.
If you’re dehydrated, there will be fewer connections in your brain. This sometimes gives you a feeling of “brain-deadness”.
6. Challenge Yourself and Create Opportunities.
Once you have developed some basic creative skills, it is important to continually challenge yourself in order to further advance your abilities.
Look for more difficult approaches, try out new things and avoid always using the same solutions you have used in the past.
In addition to challenging yourself, you also need to create your own opportunities for creativity.
This might involve tackling a new project or finding new tools to use in your current projects.
7. Fight Fear of Failure.
The fear that you might make a mistake or fail in your efforts can paralyze your progress. Whenever you find yourself harboring such feelings, remind yourself that mistakes are simply part of the process.
While you may occasionally stumble on your path to creativity, you will eventually reach your goals. You won’t be able to develop your creative talents if you don’t make time for them.
Schedule some time each week to concentrate on some type of creative project.
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