How To Make Right Choices

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12Y2uCipPk7Yj1YbwLzoPsg@2x-300x249 How To Make Right Choices
Photo credit: Medium

We make decisions almost every single day. And the only time we might experience a full consciousness about the effects of such a choice is when it becomes complex. Right from the food you choose to eat, to the slides you opted for. It all had to do with “choice” every single moment.

We can say out choices are the structures of events orchestrated in our lives. What’s more important is that, these choices has both it’s negative or positive effects. We will always have to live with a side we made up our minds to.

How then do you make choices?

decision-making-1-300x194 How To Make Right Choices
Sometimes, situations might seem to have an equal score of both benefits and loses. In such case, the best choice to make is pulling through ( if you must make that decision). Since there are chances of getting a grip on the beneficial aspect of it.

Here are few Highlights to help you make the right choices;

Apply some Diplomacy.

Weighing the Pro’s and Con’s before deciding on what to do can be very helpful. Think about what the results would cost you. Give yourself some space and be Keen about every detail to study the situation. If possible, use these practical methods. (The Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication Application)

1. The Addition Method;

That is, if I’m making this choice subconsciously.
I. What will it cost me?
Ii. How beneficial is this?
III. Would I be able to bare the consequences tagged along with it?

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2. The Subtraction Method;

That is, if I decide not to do this (or completely go in opposite direction)
I.will I lose?
Ii. What will this cost me?
Iii.. Am I crystal clear and fully aware of my actions?.

3. The Multiplication Method;

That is, if at first I go for this choice, can I always back out if anything crops up?.
I. Are there possibilities that it can affect those around me negatively?
Ii. Will there ever be a chance for me to go two ways in the first place?.

You can ask yourself these questions repeatedly for better clearity on what to choose. The greater the negatives the higher the probability of “No”.

Consult reliable Individuals.

Whenever it seems like you aren’t so sure about what to choose or best decisions to make, try reaching out. Talk to some older people you believe can be trusted. Since they’re way older and are quite rich in vast experiences they can be fair enough. Most times, one can tell if it’s the right decision by the responses and reactions people give. However, it could turn out to be the observe in some cases. So do your best to observe and reason along with them. But mostly importantly, pay attention to the counsel provided.

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Give yourself some Time.

Psychology study says “there are greater tendencies one might make the wrong choices, going for the least option when the mind is in a state of uncertainty and imbalance”. Haven to decide on what to do, say, or what step to take again, can sometimes make one feel overwhelmed and agitated.

The uncertainty of what the consequences might be could make one more nervous or impulsive. We must have experience this at some point in our lives. Stay calm, try processing through. Being rash could bring about a poor result.

Be very patient with yourself no matter how slow it’s taking you to reach a conclusion. Refresh your mind and bring yourself to the center. Know what you can contain and go for it.

Try seeing things from the opposite Angle.

Imagine it wasn’t you. What advance would you have given that person that consulted you on that matter?. Get a journal and write it all out. We tend to give accurate responses and contributions on a subject when we stay outside the box. it helps you figure out what anyone would do in that same situation you find yourself.

This is one of the fastest ways to detect if it’s the right decision; since it is basically hard to take to one’s advices, the same advice you would rather give to that “imaginary” fellow is what you should take to.

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Always consider what’s Right.

There are some decisions we need not consult people for, because it is always obvious of it’s right or not. There are some choices we make that has to do with our personal Lifestyle and the way we live. In this case, we need no one in particular to make those choices for us.

As we are fully responsible for our actions and the things we engage in. Take for instance, an ulcer patient has been warned to take a syrup every morning before breakfast. Such an individual might choose to either obey or ignore the instructions. Emphatically important, it’s important to note that right and acceptable decisions are always evident, plain and need no stress or constant processing to figure out.

It’s all based on simple “action”. Build a mindset that goes in like with what would bring you some serenity, openness and straightforwardness. If it turns out that the decision you will make or perhaps, the choice isn’t what you could be open about? Or more likely expressive. Then, it’s not worthy to be made after all.

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