How to protect yourself both physically and online

One of the notched priorities should be safety. Protecting one’s self from dangers and attacks in every ways should be what must come first always. Typically, people are being reported to have been murdered or sustain ghastly attacks (sometimes) due to their ignorance on what to do when being attacked. Apart from this, There are constant stories of people being assaulted in the media. This makes it necessary for every human, regardless of age, sex, occupation, or physical abilities, needs to know how to avoid dangerous circumstances and how to protect themselves should the need arise.

Below, therefore, are (3) self-defense tips to help protect yourself from danger (Online);

  1. Use Privacy and Security Settings to Protect Your Information from Social Media Phishing and Scams
    Social media accounts offer a few forms of security and privacy settings to help users two-factor authenticate their accounts and secure who can see information to tighten social media safety measures. Rather than sharing information to everyone, limiting your account to a select few very close friends, or not sharing personal information like baby photos at all is vital to combat social media phishing and social media scams.
  2. Research Everything Before You Click and Share Data
    To really stay safe social media, users should do their homework before accepting, clicking, or sharing digital content. This means paying attention to what’s being sent and shared, evaluating sources, and taking a close look into anything that seems off or slightly suspicious.

  3. Watch out for Social Media Scams and Phishing
    Social media scams and social media phishing are two of the most common problems on social media platforms today. The links used for these types of attacks normally attempt to steal either your identity, steal money, or work to spread a bot or virus to your network of colleagues, friends, and family.
    Scams and phishing tactics include:
    Chain letters
    Quick requests for money, sometimes from friends who have just added you from a new account
    Links to quizzes and games that require your phone number or bank details first
    Links to photos and click-bait article titles that take you off the network (likely phishing scams)
    Shortened URLs, which can be used to hide malware and viruses on a link
    Pay an upfront fee to work from home/make money
    Sweepstakes and lottery winnings (these are never distributed through social media, even if you play). Be careful when and how users give information to a third-party site.

Below, therefore, are (3) self-defense tips to help protect yourself from danger (physically);

  1. When you’re at home, lock doors, close windows and keep keys somewhere they can’t be reached from outside. Always check the ID of any callers you don’t know before answering the door. Keep your home secure.
    While you want to do everything you can to protect your belongings, remember they can be replaced, you can’t. There are things you can do to increase the possibility of getting your things back if these are stolen.

  2. If you’re Getting a taxi; Make sure it’s licensed. Keep the number of a taxi company you trust on your mobile. Ask the taxi to pick you up directly outside where you are and stay inside until it arrives. If you have to wait outside, stay in a crowded area with plenty of street lights.
    If you don’t know any taxi companies in the area, call directory enquiries or go into a shop or restaurant nearby and ask them to call one for you. Always check for the taxi’s licence plate and roof sign. If you don’t feel comfortable, don’t get in.

  3. Whenever it’s possible, try and walk with someone else or a group of friends. You’re less likely to be attacked or mugged if you’re with other people.
    If you are walking alone, always be aware of what’s going on around you. Stay in busy areas with plenty of street lights and always avoid alleys or shortcuts.
    Stay alert if listening to headphones, especially at night. As well as being distracting, headphones could be valuable and worth stealing. Make sure you keep any valuables in your bag.

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