Key reading;
How to stay;
focused and positive.
Quick tips on staying focused and positive.

It’s a new season and one of the most important things for you to be in look out for is how to stay focused and positive. Of course, so many goodies are bound to come your ways but that’s if you choose to let the aura around you draw these to you.
Being Positive is actually a state characterised by certainty or acceptance or affirmation and dogmatic assertiveness. And being focused means remaining on a course with a full force of a promising and successful outcome without weavering.
Staying positive could sound more of a common word, it’s what we hear every now and then. But the true meaning should be in action rather than letters.
Sometimes, one might feel pretty discouraged. Maybe a little bit worried because the business isn’t just working out like one had assumed it would. Perhaps, you’re putting in for a job or project and it just seems like no one seems to be supporting you.
It does happen that way, and those moments and dark times are when you need to stay optimistic, open and hopeful the most.
Remember the famous quote “. .the darkest hour comes before your Dawn..?” It’s inevitable that at some point. You might experience one or two opposition and negative criticism or probably rejection.
It’s only a sign that you are doing something that’s really worth it, you’re vibing high and quite industrious.

We all have goals, dreams and pictures we often paint in our minds about what we want.
Be it in Work, Business, career, Health, Relationship, Family or just a random yoga class you plan to work on. whatever aspect, It depends on what motivates you intricately and you can only bring that picture to life when you stay on track.
The only thing you must allow is letting the force inside of you drive you vehemently. This would always help you conquer every other forces within or without.
Your subconsciousness will only attract what you feel. When you feel down, negative or pessimistic about a thing, you tend to attract failure, defeat or gloomy atmosphere around your dealings e.t.c and vice versa. You must consider that it has to do with your mindset.
The following tips would help you remain focused and keep that positivity in check:-
- Always see the possible/brighter side of things, in every ramifications.
Surround yourself with positive people that can always encourage you to do better and push you forward when things seem a bit shaky.
3.Be open to oppurtunities, Be in look out.
- Eliminate fear and doubts, have Faith. Fear inhibit progression and lack of progression has no root in focus, what you don’t focus on will give you no reason to strive for positivity.
Stay focused, cut off every distractions or anything that stands as a source of discouragement or negativity.
6.feed your focus, gather enough informations, details, and bits that could contribute to helping you remain in course.
7.conceal your actions. when you do, you leave people in a state of being oblivious of what you want to do. They will have no clue, and when they don’t, there’s no way they can talk you off it or try to discourage you, privacy matters though.
Accept when you begin to feel doubt, negativity or unclearity, give yourself the time to process things through and try as much as possible to get back on your feet quickly.
Make positive affirmations concurrently. Research study says that about 89% of time, we turn out to be what we tell ourselves , what we say and affirm. Because words are so powerful, they can impact your life in so many ways . When you say “I’m a Failure” or “I’m not good at this and I don’t think I can..” you’ll notice things just keeps revolving around your words, you can say “I know it’s a bit difficult but I will get throu it.” “I might fail at this now but I will keep trying because I will succeed, infact I’m succeeding already” e.t.c.
Always believe you can and you will always win.
Try to have a mentor, a successful one precisely. Who Is successful at that thing you’re trying to do. Copying the steps on how they succeeded isn’t a bad idea at all.
Be determined, this will help you continue to thrive even when glitches arises.
Take breaks, Relax and be around people that makes you happy. It helps you refresh your mind and keeps your energy high.
Set rules for yourself and stick to it. Try as much as possible to stay focused on a thing rather than switching between the lines could lead to some confusion, prioritize whats needed to be and caution yourself enough to stick to the principle.
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