How To Work Out What You Want In Life

At some point in life, one would realize that its just time to work these goals out. To stop talking, planing, or expecting but to begin.

To realize what one wants and be committed to doing it. Sometimes, It can be tough to know what we really want. So, you need to ask yourself that question and be very keen about what you’re thoughts are.


What Do I Want?

Most times, a surprising number of us ask ourselves. We wonder, what do we want in life?. What really matters?. How do we figure it out? In fact, these are questions we often struggle with quite a bit. We find it difficult to be quite specific sometimes because we just don’t know how to go about it. If really it’s the right decision. Or perhaps it’s just comes with the feeling at the season?. It can be a bit stressful to determine what choice to make when it comes to knowing what we want.

However, That’s why it’s so important to figure out what you want—. what you really want—. so that you can start living a life that reflects your needs, values, and goals.

we have outlined some of the best ways to know exactly what you want just below;

Here are four ways to try to figure out what you want from your future;

What Gives You a Sense of Purpose?

Another thing to consider when asking “what do I want?” is what gives you a sense of purpose?. Generally, we derive a sense of purpose when we do things for others or improve their lives, even in small ways.

For example, we might take joy in cooking dinner for our family, saying a kind word to a stranger, making something that others use. In other words we are improving the world in some way. For these reasons, it can be helpful to think through not only what we want, but what impact we want to have on others. This is often a better route to choosing activities that actually make us feel good.

Think about where you’ll be in five years.

The “where do you see yourself in five years?” question pops up in everything from job interviews to financial plans. However, while it seems cliché, it’s common for a reason:

1. it works. It’s one of those annoyingly difficult questions to answer, and in most cases, it’s pretty much impossible to answer in a concrete way.

Thankfully, that’s okay; sometimes just trying to answer the question is all you need to do.
Considering how common a piece of advice it is, the idea of seeing into the future and picturing where you’ll be in five years is a heck of a lot harder than you’d think. Plus, the chances you’ll actually end up where you see yourself are pretty slim.

What capabilities will you have wanted to build in five years?.

Who Do You Admire (or Get Jealous Of)?.

Emotions can be helpful indicators that try to cue you into what you really want. Maybe you admire someone who has made an impact on the world in some important way. Or maybe you notice that you’re jealous of someone who has a career that you wish you had.

Although jealousy isn’t a fun emotion, it may be trying to tell you that you want something that someone else has. If that’s genuinely true, ask yourself if you had it, would it really make you happy? And if so, ask yourself, ​what you can do to get it?

Volunteer or shadow someone in a job that interests you.

One of the reasons figuring out what we want to do is so terrifying is because we tend to overcommit.  Want to maybe write that book? Go to grad school! Thinking about being a lawyer? Apply for law school!.

When you up the ante on plans, they get real serious, real fast, and it’s hard to make a decision with that kind of pressure. So don’t overcommit to an idea. Instead, take a couple days to try on the lifestyle.

To do this, you can try volunteering or shadowing someone at their job—. while recognizing that you might need to hold off on this option for a while untill things are quite stable.

Likewise, job shadowing is another way to get a closer look at an industry without committing to long hours in school or worse, getting the job and finding out you hate it.

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