What’s So Complicating About life?

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Businesswoman-looking-at-computer-monitor-1200x628-facebook-1200x628-1-300x157 What's So Complicating About life?
Photo credit:healthline

In the real aspect of it, life isn’t so complicated really. What’s complicates things up are our Expectations, whether towards our friends, family members, things or mostly in one’s self.


Sometimes,it could be that way without you realizing that most people around you has high expectation of what you become or do.

Expectations makes one hopeful and helps strengthen one to do even the impossible because you anticipate a better result or perhaps because people demand alot of you. However, it becomes more painful, disturbing or frustrating when when such expectations are being shattered. Do you know what complicates life even more? The elements of feeling!.

Emotions like sadness, happiness, resentments, fulfilment,forgiveness, shame greed, pain, emptiness, abundance and so on, it’s just too numerous to mention.

When you give this a deeper thought, you’ll know that their presence in our lives contributes to how life becomes the way it is, or more complicated in a more contextual sense. You will realize it isn’t so complicated after all and the difference is how we apply these. for instance,

If you had just attained a higher level of success in your career, you will feel super excited and fulfilled.  That sensation you feel boosts your subconsciousness to be quite aware and more sensitive to your accomplishments. One will want to continue to succeed, craving to be honoured by people around and would seek more of the attention it brings along with it. Indirectly,  an impulsive desire to go even higher or further in ones expansion has been paved. But most certainly, one will get to a level that wouldn’t be permeable.  Therefore, one might feel stuck, pained or frustrated. Even if such were able to pass through the impermissible, one will get to a level where it’s no longer possible to  access other levels higher (probably because that’s the highest level). Sooner, one will realize it’s quite boring,  strenuous, and has no fun! (I’m not saying it happens at all times though) one might start feeling like things are  becoming stagnant or complacent (despite that you now have it all).

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The view of having someone quite Younger than one  attaining a higher level in a different field can again make one feel a bit discontented with one’s accomplishments.  Because the element of happiness and the continuous wanting of appraisal is the force propelling one, it will always turn out this way, complicated.
Additionally, it might not be so obvious that one has become a subject to their feelings being the force behind it, one has to be very careful and scrupulous in concluding that everything is based on complications.

Here are some reasons why life feels so complicated;

1. Uncertainty;

uncertain-boss-young-man-face_1194-7951-300x200 What's So Complicating About life?
Uncertain boss. Photo credit:freepik

Yes! This is more like a reality quote “tomorrow is not promising to anyone” and it’s true, but it also brings alot of fear with it. nothing is certain in particular, even those who has more than enough this minute, can end up losing it in one way or the other. No one knows what tomorrow looks like and this thought alone complicates almost everything.

This is why people do things at the detriment of others, from their view they just want to secure the future and put things in place only to find out that the project, life savings e.t.c had gone down the drain right before their eyes. Fear is a major factor, no one can predict what’s going happen next.

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2.Emotional imbalance

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Photo credit: IncMagazine

Our emotions aren’t the same at all, it will never be. We all can’t have the same view about things right from our likes to what we detaste the most. What you love can be a bit repulsive to someone out there.

So, sometimes what you have deep flair for or interest in can be in contrary to whats generally acceptable, either in your family, culture, community, State or country. This might make one feel confused and frustrated because your perspective is not acknowledged or no one seem to think or act like you.

3.Pain, loss or rejection;

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A young man suffering from pain, rejection and loss. Photo credit: charlesstone.m

One of the most sensitive ways people tend to conclude that life is extremely complicated is through the vivid experiencea of pain, loss or rejection and failure.

This experiences automatically beclouds ones true sense of reasoning leaving one to believe it’s life being just unfair and bad. Failure gives way to self repulsion, you will see nothing good what you do when it happens too often. Things can be a bit vague , dry and mixed, theses events are inevitable atimes.

4.Wants, Needs;

Do you know that poverty is a major factor that contribute to people seeing life as being unfair and complicated? People struggle and go through alot every day just to survive.

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 One might  keep going through that cycle until such eventually breakdown because there isn’t anything palatable in what they do. After commiting so  effort into working and hustling and still unable to meet up with the little needs while others  practically do nothing than take the whole shares and benefits to themselves. These feelings can make one feel nothing other than life being too complicated and all.

From the afformentioned you will observe that these are basically hinged on “feelings” because we are Humans, we will always as long as we breathe.

Here some simple tips to apply when you feel this way;

1. Open up, tell people how you feel or what you’re feeling. You can tell it to a trusted friend or a close family member.
2. Live life with simplicity
3. Let the feeling of uncertainty drive you to accomplishing greater things while you can, since no one knows what tomorrow holds
4. Try as much as possible to consider other people’s point of view, it can be very helpful atimes.
5. Appreciate yourself and how far you have come.
6. Build a mind set that “you’re made for more”.
7. Walk away from whatever stresses you mentally or in every other aspect.
8. Be contented.
9. Love yourself so much and  everyone around you.
10. Stay optimistic- Always

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